kaiban-ai / KaibanJS

KaibanJS is a JavaScript-native framework for building and managing multi-agent systems with a Kanban-inspired approach.
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Human in the Loop Support for Enhanced Task Oversight #35

Closed darielnoel closed 1 month ago

darielnoel commented 1 month ago

Implement Human in the Loop (HITL) support to allow for manual intervention in tasks that require human oversight. This feature will enable tasks within AgenticJS to be paused or flagged for human review, ensuring that certain operations benefit from human judgment before proceeding.

Problem to Solve: Certain tasks handled by AI agents can reach a complexity or sensitivity level that automated processes alone may not adequately address. By introducing HITL, we can ensure that such tasks are handled correctly, maintaining a high level of accuracy and reliability.

Advantages of HITL Support:


  1. Develop the functionality to pause and flag tasks that require human intervention.
  2. Integrate a user interface or notification system that alerts users when their input or decision is required.
  3. Ensure that the system can seamlessly transition between automated processes and human intervention.

Implementation Steps:



Community Engagement:

This initiative aims to make AgenticJS more versatile and trustworthy by integrating human intelligence where it is most beneficial.

darielnoel commented 1 month ago

Human in the Loop (HITL)


Human in the Loop (HITL) is a core feature in AgenticJS that enables manual intervention and oversight in AI-driven tasks. It provides a mechanism for human operators to review, provide input, or make decisions at critical points in the workflow, ensuring accuracy, reliability, and ethical considerations in complex or sensitive operations.


The HITL feature addresses the need for human judgment in scenarios where:

Human in the Loop (HITL)

Imagine a Kanban board for a software development team:

| To Do | In Progress | Code Review | Testing | Done |
| Task 1 | Task 2     | Task 3      | Task 4  | Task 5 |
|       |             | <Needs      |         |      |
|       |             |  Human      |         |      |
|       |             |  Review>    |         |      |

In this scenario, Task 3 in the "Code Review" column requires human intervention. This is similar to how HITL works in AI workflows, where certain tasks need human input or validation before proceeding.

How HITL Works in AgenticJS

  1. Task Creation: Tasks are created and can be flagged to require human validation.

  2. AI Processing: AI agents work on tasks, moving them through different states (like "To Do" to "In Progress").

  3. Human Intervention Points:

    • Tasks enter 'AWAITING_VALIDATION' state when they need human review.
    • Humans can provide feedback on tasks in 'BLOCKED', 'AWAITING_VALIDATION', or even 'DONE' states.
  4. Feedback or Validation:

    • Humans can validate (approve) a task or provide feedback for revisions.
    • Feedback can be given to guide the AI's next steps or to request changes.
  5. Feedback Processing:

    • If feedback is provided, the task moves to 'REVISE' state.
    • The AI agent then addresses the feedback, potentially moving the task back to 'DOING'.
  6. Completion: Once validated, tasks move to the 'DONE' state.

This process ensures that human expertise is incorporated at crucial points, improving the overall quality and reliability of the AI-driven workflow.

This HITL workflow can be easily implemented using AgenticJS. The library provides methods and status to manage the entire process programmatically:

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to set up and manage a HITL workflow using AgenticJS:

// Creating a task that requires validation
const task = new Task({
    title: "Analyze market trends",
    description: "Research and summarize current market trends for our product",
    assignedTo: "Alice",
    externalValidationRequired: true

// Set up the workflow status change listener before starting
team.onWorkflowStatusChange((status) => {
  if (status === 'BLOCKED') {
    // Check for tasks awaiting validation
    const tasksAwaitingValidation = team.getTasksByStatus('AWAITING_VALIDATION');

    tasksAwaitingValidation.forEach(task => {
      console.log(`Task awaiting validation: ${task.title}`);

      // Example: Automatically validate the task

    // Alternatively, provide feedback if the task needs revision
    // This could be based on human review or automated criteria
    // team.provideFeedback(task.id, "Please include more data on competitor pricing.");
  } else if (status === 'FINISHED') {
    console.log('Workflow completed successfully!');
    console.log('Final result:', team.getWorkflowResult());

// Start the workflow and handle the promise
  .then(result => {
    console.log('Workflow completed with result:', result);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Workflow encountered an error:', error);

Task Statuses

The system includes the following task statuses, which apply to all tasks throughout the entire workflow, including but not limited to HITL processes:

These statuses are defined in the TASK_STATUS_enum and can be accessed throughout the system for consistency.

Task State Flow Diagram

Below is a text-based representation of the task state flow diagram:

                 |   TODO  |
            +--->|  DOING  |
            |    +---------+
            |         |
            |    +----+----+----+----+
            |    |         |         |
            v    v         v         v
     +-------------+  +---------+  +------------------+
     |   BLOCKED   |  |  REVISE |  | AWAITING_        |
     +-------------+  +---------+  | VALIDATION       |
            |              |       +------------------+
            |              |                |
            |              |                v
            |              |         +--------------+
            |              |         |  VALIDATED   |
            |              |         +--------------+
            |              |                |
            |              |                v
                                |   DONE  |

Task State Transitions

  1. TODO to DOING:

    • When a task is picked up by an agent to work on.

    • If the task encounters an obstacle or dependency that prevents progress.

    • When feedback is provided during the task execution.

    • Only for tasks created with externalValidationRequired = true.
    • Occurs when the agent completes the task but it needs human validation.
  5. DOING to DONE:

    • For tasks that don't require external validation.
    • When the agent successfully completes the task.

    • When a human approves the task without changes.

    • If the human provides feedback or requests changes during validation.

    • Automatic transition after successful validation.

    • When the agent starts working on the task again after receiving feedback.

    • When the obstacle is removed and the task can proceed.

HITL Workflow Integration

  1. Requiring External Validation:

    • Set externalValidationRequired: true when creating a task to ensure it goes through human validation before completion.
  2. Initiating HITL:

    • Use team.provideFeedback(taskId, feedbackContent) at any point to move a task to REVISE state.
  3. Validating Tasks:

    • Use team.validateTask(taskId) to approve a task, moving it from AWAITING_VALIDATION to VALIDATED, then to DONE.
    • Use team.provideFeedback(taskId, feedbackContent) to request revisions, moving the task from AWAITING_VALIDATION to REVISE.
  4. Processing Feedback:

    • The system automatically processes feedback for tasks in the REVISE state.
    • Agents handle pending feedback before continuing with the task.

Feedback in HITL

In AgenticJS, human interventions are implemented through a feedback system. Each task maintains a feedbackHistory array to track these interactions.

Feedback Structure

Each feedback entry in the feedbackHistory consists of:

Feedback Statuses

AgenticJS uses two primary statuses for feedback:

This structure allows for clear tracking of human interventions and their resolution throughout the task lifecycle.

React Example

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { team } from './teamSetup'; // Assume this is where your team is initialized

function WorkflowBoard() {
  const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]);
  const [workflowStatus, setWorkflowStatus] = useState('');
  const store = team.useStore();

  useEffect(() => {
    const unsubscribeTasks = store.subscribe(
      state => state.tasks,
      (tasks) => setTasks(tasks)

    const unsubscribeStatus = store.subscribe(
      state => state.teamWorkflowStatus,
      (status) => setWorkflowStatus(status)

    return () => {
  }, []);

  const renderTaskColumn = (status, title) => (
    <div className="task-column">
      {tasks.filter(task => task.status === status).map(task => (
        <div key={task.id} className="task-card">
          {status === 'AWAITING_VALIDATION' && (
            <button onClick={() => store.getState().validateTask(task.id)}>
          <button onClick={() => store.getState().provideFeedback(task.id, "Sample feedback")}>
            Provide Feedback

  return (
    <div className="task-board">
      <h1>Task Board - Workflow Status: {workflowStatus}</h1>
      <div className="columns-container">
        {renderTaskColumn('TODO', 'To Do')}
        {renderTaskColumn('DOING', 'In Progress')}
        {renderTaskColumn('BLOCKED', 'Blocked')}
        {renderTaskColumn('AWAITING_VALIDATION', 'Waiting for Feedback')}
        {renderTaskColumn('DONE', 'Done')}
      <button onClick={() => store.getState().startWorkflow()}>Start Workflow</button>

export default WorkflowBoard;

By implementing Human in the Loop through AgenticJS's feedback and validation system, you can create a more robust, ethical, and accurate task processing workflow. This feature ensures that critical decisions benefit from human judgment while maintaining the efficiency of automated processes for routine operations.