Hi @kaichen-z,
When you generate the image's corresponding depth image, do you use the ins.csv pose file or vo.csv pose file? Because the generated pointcloud values(x, y, z) are quite different when you choose different files. When choosing the ins.csv pose file, we get the pointcloud values(x, y, z) is relative coordinates. While choosing the vo.csv pose file, we get the pointcloud values(x, y, z) is absolute coordinates.
Hi @kaichen-z, When you generate the image's corresponding depth image, do you use the ins.csv pose file or vo.csv pose file? Because the generated pointcloud values(x, y, z) are quite different when you choose different files. When choosing the ins.csv pose file, we get the pointcloud values(x, y, z) is relative coordinates. While choosing the vo.csv pose file, we get the pointcloud values(x, y, z) is absolute coordinates.
I appreciate any help you can provide!