kaieye / 2022-Machine-Learning-Specialization

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Advanced Learning Algorithms - C2_W1_Assignment issue #1

Open johnfelipe opened 2 years ago

johnfelipe commented 2 years ago
from public_tests import * 


with this log

AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-c43f6ee12586> in <module>
      2 from public_tests import *
----> 4 test_c1(model)

~/work/public_tests.py in test_c1(target)
      7 def test_c1(target):
      8     assert len(target.layers) == 3, \
----> 9         f"Wrong number of layers. Expected 3 but got {len(target.layers)}"
     10     assert target.input.shape.as_list() == [None, 400], \
     11         f"Wrong input shape. Expected [None,  400] but got {target.input.shape.as_list()}"

AssertionError: Wrong number of layers. Expected 3 but got 0
kaieye commented 2 years ago

Sorry that I am not familiar with Tensorflow. I think that you can click the Hint below the cell first, which helps a lot. If you agree, give me your code of function can help me get deeper insight into your problem

johnfelipe commented 2 years ago

Advanced Learning Algorithms/week1/9.Practice Lab Neural networks/C2_W1_Assignment.ipynb


is stop in step 9, how solve?

kaieye commented 2 years ago

fill the code in the function of model

johnfelipe commented 2 years ago

can u upload file with all complete?

kaieye commented 2 years ago

I haven't done yet, but I think you can find the answer in the "Click for hints"

johnfelipe commented 2 years ago

i will wait, pls ping me when you done

kaieye commented 2 years ago

deal, within seven days

kaieye commented 2 years ago

image image image check

usernameuiui commented 2 years ago
