kaifk2 / -Face-eye-sleep-detection

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Connection Timeout Error in JDBC Code: Unable to Establish Database Connection #1

Open kaifxworkz opened 9 months ago

kaifxworkz commented 9 months ago

Issue Summary: I have encountered an issue with the JDBC code that is resulting in a connection timeout error when attempting to establish a connection to the database.

java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. Environment: Operating System: [e.g., Windows 10, Ubuntu 20.04] Java Version: [e.g., Java 8, Java 11] Database: [e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL] JDBC Driver Version: [e.g., MySQL Connector/J 8.0.23, PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.2.18]

kaifk2 commented 7 months ago
