kaihendry / greptweet

Sane twitter backup and search
76 stars 10 forks source link

Oops, broke the short URL expansion code :/ #13

Closed kaihendry closed 12 years ago

kaihendry commented 12 years ago

./fetch-tweets.sh webconverger grep bit.ly webconverger.txt

JamieKitson commented 12 years ago

Could it be your comment?

if echo $shortDomains | grep -q $domain # TODO might match greedily, e.g. with t.co
kaihendry commented 12 years ago

certainly not. We need to step through this sucker.

JamieKitson commented 12 years ago

Can you give me an example of a status where it's not working? There are instances where having "bit.ly" in your status doesn't mean that the linking is not working. eg:


The bit.ly address in that status is not a link, so it will not be in the url section of the xml and so greptweet will not catch it.

JamieKitson commented 12 years ago

Whereas this one does work for me because it's a link:
