kaihendry / greptweet

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RTs are cut short #17

Closed aishihab closed 11 years ago

aishihab commented 11 years ago

Consider this tweet: https://twitter.com/a_i_shihab/status/53199133548347392

This was a retweet of a tweet by @SteveMartinToGo.

It got saved missing the last few words of it. As: "Twitter over capacity! Couldn’t Tweet for 30 minutes. Forced to tell doorman that I had Cream of Wheat for breakfa ..."

My guess is that if you count the number of chars in the string "@SteveMartinToGo" you will find that is the number chars chopped off the end.

JamieKitson commented 11 years ago

It's in retweeted_status/text:


aishihab commented 11 years ago

The extra information is not being saved into my downloadable text file. I am trying to have a complete stream of my tweets.

JamieKitson commented 11 years ago

It seems to me that it would be better (this issue with issue #14) to handle retweets recursively, ie, pass the retweet_status xml node back up the program, or back to a get_status_text function, which would include expanding URLs.

You can't retweet retweets, can you?

JamieKitson commented 11 years ago

The extra information is not being saved into my downloadable text file. I am trying to have a complete stream of my tweets.

I understand that, the information I gave was for development.

kaihendry commented 11 years ago

I can confirm this bug. I am tempted to almost not bother with retweets to keep things simpler at this point.

Is there a good test account with just retweets to help development out at this point?

kaihendry commented 11 years ago

Here is an example reweet XML: http://static.dabase.com/retweet.xml

That we need to alter the already hairy https://github.com/kaihendry/Greptweet/blob/master/fetch-tweets.sh#L86 to grab out the non-truncated: status/retweeted_status/text