kaihendry / greptweet

Sane twitter backup and search
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Add delete button #25

Closed JamieKitson closed 11 years ago

JamieKitson commented 11 years ago

Currently when we update greptweet with bug fixes etc there is no way for a normal user to update their file. One option would be to notify people when there's been an update and give them the option to delete their file and start again.

Is there a limit to the maximum number of tweets we can get? If so we should get that maximum and then only delete the tweet IDs that we have got. In this case the button might be better labelled "refresh".

Another option would be for us to "refresh" the files behind the scenes when we fix a bug without the user being aware.

kaihendry commented 11 years ago

Deleting is NOT an option, since my tweets are >3200 the max you can actually retrieve (on a GOOD day).

So I prefer the '"refresh" the files behind the scenes' approach. Sounds quite messy really. Could it be as simply as a clear diff and an extra piece of logic to update the older tweets? I dunno.

I think most people don't care to accurately record their RTs.

kaihendry commented 11 years ago

Not deleting as that would require some sort of authentication and some pain.