kaihendry / greptweet

Sane twitter backup and search
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Getting missing tweets #40

Open kaihendry opened 10 years ago

kaihendry commented 10 years ago


We did have an option to look past the last tweet. https://github.com/kaihendry/greptweet/blob/master/fetch-tweets.sh#L33

But this doesn't help people who have a gap between a retrieval of tweets.

What can we do?

JamieKitson commented 10 years ago

I like the idea of starting again and merging. It would allow people to update their backups when you've updated greptweet (eg, to expand URLs). You'd have to do the merge on tweet id, not diff.

JamieKitson commented 10 years ago

In fact, would you have to merge at all? You could get the oldest tweet in the new file and get everything before that from the old file. (Assuming that the new file didn't have gaps.) Are tweet ids always in chronological order?

kaihendry commented 10 years ago

Not sure how you would merge come to think of it.

I guess we can make it trump and keep a .bak if anything goes horribly wrong.