kaihowl / dotfiles

@kaihowl does dotfiles
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Failing test lsp-completion-python.test.vim #767

Closed kaihowl closed 3 months ago

kaihowl commented 4 months ago

Fails locally:

Test successful for test.cppRunning lsp-completion-python.test.vim
Setting up handler
Done setting up handler
Running on test.py
lsp_init: 0
About to feed keysFed keys, waitingError detected while processing command line..function RunTest[2]..Test[1]..FullTest[1]..ProtoTest[37]..Timeout:
line    1:
Test timed out%
kaihowl commented 3 months ago

Log shows:

Failed to load hook pylsp_completions: Python version 3.11 is currently not supported.
kaihowl commented 3 months ago

Caused by stale python 3.11 in dotfiles virtualenv on local machine. Courtesy of #703 and related workarounds.

Fixed by reinstalling virtualenv with python 3.12 version.