kaiiam / mifc

A minimum information standard checklist formalizing the description of food composition data and related metadata.
MIT License
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Warning about permissible value lengths even though their length is less than 255 characters #13

Closed turbomam closed 1 day ago

turbomam commented 2 weeks ago

From make all

For example:

WARNING:linkml.generators.excelgen:'FoodCookingMethod' has permissible values with total length > 255 characters. Dropdowns may not work properly in /home/mark/gitrepos/mifc/project/excel/mifc.xlsx

We should characterize this some more and possibly raise an issue in linkml/linkml

kaiiam commented 5 days ago

Comes up sometimes for me as well when I run make all-all, but not every time I run it.

turbomam commented 3 days ago

Hah, the total character size of FoodCookingMethod's permissible value names is 330. So the warning is valid and the underlying problem is a constraint from Excel. I think we just have to live with this.

kaiiam commented 1 day ago

OK cool thanks @turbomam if it's just an excel issue then ya we'll have to live with it. Hopefully the enum values will work in excel. On a related note I'm thinking of for example having all iso3 country codes in a new enum, I hope something like that also works in the excel version. TBD. I guess we close for now if this isn't something we can fix. Thanks again Mark.