kaijagahm / ygdpDashboard

Interactive dashboard for YGDP survey data
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Checkbox legend on leaflet map #1

Closed kaijagahm closed 3 years ago

kaijagahm commented 3 years ago

In lieu of the current slider control, I'd like to have checkboxes with the legend colors next to them, like the Scots Syntax Atlas does: Screen Shot 2020-07-30 at 16 27 51

I asked about this on RStudio Community: https://community.rstudio.com/t/colors-next-to-checkboxes-in-shiny/74908

kaijagahm commented 3 years ago

Solved in RStudio Community: someone wrote me some custom HTML code to put circles next to the text choices. Not currently using this in a panel on the map, but did implement it in the sidebar.