kaijagahm / ygdpDashboard

Interactive dashboard for YGDP survey data
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New breaking version of shinydashboardPlus: have to change a bunch of the app code :( :( :( #38

Open kaijagahm opened 3 years ago

kaijagahm commented 3 years ago

Alas, the newest version of shinydashboardPlus breaks a LOT of things. The breaking changes are listed [here] (https://rinterface.github.io/shinydashboardPlus/news/index.html)

This is really annoying, but I understand that they're doing it to make the code more consistent with shinydashboard and other packages.

Note that there are also some exciting new features, like the ability to more easily customize the dashboard appearance by changing colors through fresh themes

I will need to go through and change the code in a bunch of places to accommodate these new changes. In the meantime, I think if you try to load this code using the most up-to-date version of shinydashboardPlus, things will break.