kaikramer / keystore-explorer

KeyStore Explorer is a free GUI replacement for the Java command-line utilities keytool and jarsigner.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Copy to clipboard for error messages #465

Open weberjn opened 6 months ago

weberjn commented 6 months ago

If there is a popup showing an error, e.g. "Path does not chain with any of the trust anchors" in Verify an SSL Connection, it would be nice, if there was a copy button on the dialog to copy the error message to the clipboard. Then you could paste it into google instead of having to type it up.

kaikramer commented 5 months ago

Yeah, sounds reasonable. Do you want to implement this?

weberjn commented 5 months ago

Guess one would have to use the jbCopy Button code from DErrorDetail and make a image button as in DViewCertificate.jbViewPublicKeyDetails. But I'm not into Swing anymore.

kaikramer commented 5 months ago

Guess one would have to use the jbCopy Button code from DErrorDetail and make a image button as in DViewCertificate.jbViewPublicKeyDetails.

That's certainly a good approach. Unfortunately it's by far not enough as this is a standard Swing dialog:


There is no way to add custom buttons to it. We would have to write our own custom dialog to replace it.

But I'm not into Swing anymore.

That's a pity, developers with Swing knowledge are hard to find.

jgrateron commented 5 months ago

I have in mind to create this window, to see all the validation of a certificate, then I will show you the progress.



kaikramer commented 5 months ago

@jgrateron That's a good idea!

kaikramer commented 5 months ago

@jgrateron But please keep in mind that similar code already exists in the org.kse.gui.error package. It is better to extend the code there than to write something completely new.