kailynangelo / nbaStatsFun

Individual project for Enterprise Java class.
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Checkpoint 1 #2

Open kailynangelo opened 11 months ago

kailynangelo commented 11 months ago

@pawaitemadisoncollege - checkpoint 1 is ready for review

pawaitemadisoncollege commented 11 months ago

Hi @kailynangelo! Thanks for your patience around getting feedback on this. I normally like to turn things around much quicker than 1 week.

I'm really looking forward to your work on this and supporting you along the way! I'm particularly interested in those random stats options! Following are my observations from a review of checkpoint 1. If you have any questions about my comments or anything else, please ask.

Problem statement provides a clear explanation of the problem your app will solve.

Improvement ideas:

User Stories these clearly identify what the application will do and include functionality to meet many of the requirements of the course, such as multiple one to many relationships, and create, read, and update capabilities. What you've selected for mvp feels doable in the semester!

Improvement ideas:

Project plan is off to a good start with a good level of detail in week 4 and 5. A good next step here may be to identify which user story you would like to work on first, and think about what pieces you need to finish that story. Then repeat!

Screen Design I didn't find this. ScreenDesign.md was empty (0 bytes) when I looked at it on GitHub. One thing I look for when reviewing screens is that all MVP user stories are represented.

WeeklyRecap Off to a good start with this too - clearly documents what you did and how long it took!