kaiosatiro / hyprmatrixlock

script that uses unimatrix and swaylockeffects on hyprland
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no add_line defined #1

Open gltchii opened 1 month ago

gltchii commented 1 month ago

When I run the install, right after I go after the background effects, no matter if I choose transparency or opacity, it gives me this error. 2024-10-25_22-47-40_grim

kaiosatiro commented 1 month ago

Hey @gltchii In your ".config/hypr/hyprland.conf", is there a 'decoration' scope? Approximately on line 80 like the default hyprland config . Inside this scope, my script will attempt to add the line fullscreen_opacity = 0.5. But it seems my script did not find the scope.

You can add fullscreen_opacity = 0.5 manually on the hyprland.conf and see if it works.

The error that you got was for an indentation mistake that I made. I correct the script now, you can't get this error anymore. However, I can't be sure that it will activate the transparency.

Let me know if this helps you.