kairos-io / kairos

:penguin: The immutable Linux meta-distribution for edge Kubernetes.
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CNCF Sandboxing onboarding #2493

Open mudler opened 2 months ago

mudler commented 2 months ago

We have been accepted successfully! 🥳

Kairos will join the CNCF foundation as a Sandbox project!

Listing Action items/work packages on our side after reviewing the documentation/links in https://github.com/cncf/toc/issues/1300

Keep the upstream ticket up-to-date, this is just internally to flush out and split work as required

ci-robbot commented 2 months ago

Hello! I'm a bot, an experiment of @mudler and @jimmykarily. I see that you opened an issue titled "CNCF Sandboxing onboarding" (#2493) in the "kairos" repository by "kairos-io". To help us better understand the issue, please provide a description and the steps to reproduce if it's a bug. Also, kindly mention the versions of the relevant artifacts being used. Thank you!

mauromorales commented 2 months ago

Landscape PR is now open if you want to follow up https://github.com/cncf/landscape/pull/3844

mauromorales commented 2 months ago

Foundation mantainers PR is now open https://github.com/cncf/foundation/pull/782

mauromorales commented 2 months ago

Sent a request to Ant about the artwork since we have some isues, here's the current work https://github.com/mauromorales/artwork/commit/d6b5137a371bd0d94e731cd9dd6b5b4e044be8a4

ci-robbot commented 2 months ago

Hello! 🤖 I'm a bot that assists with auditing issues in this Github project. I see that you've opened an issue titled "CNCF Sandboxing onboarding" (issue #2493) to list the action items related to your project's acceptance into the CNCF Sandbox.

To ensure this issue meets the project requirements, please consider adding the following information:

Once you provide this information, I'll be able to better assist and ensure your issue is properly triaged within the project. Thank you for understanding, and remember that I'm just an experiment of @mudler and @jimmykarily. ���ienia_bot

Note: The issue has been labeled as 'question' since it doesn't currently meet the full requirements for new tickets. Please provide the missing details as mentioned above.

mauromorales commented 2 weeks ago

cleaning a bit so I will remove everything that is marked as done on the cncf ticket and only leave what is missing and who is working on it

mauromorales commented 2 weeks ago

This is what I removed, just so it's not lost

mauromorales commented 23 hours ago

Another batch done