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:robot: Do not auto reboot on uki tests #2549

Closed Itxaka closed 1 month ago

Itxaka commented 1 month ago

When we run the uki tests, we tail the logs at /var/log/kairos to see if we can find the correct steps.

This is due so we can test the uki install via datasource iso, i.e. the install starts and runs automatically.

By setting the reboot to true, sometimes the machine will reboot while we are still trying to collect the logs and cause an ssh force exit, which breaks the test.

This also makes no sense as in the uki test we reboot automatically after we have checked that the install goes ok.

This patch makes it so the install wont autorestart automatically so we can check all the install steps via logs properly.

It also reworks a bit the uki job to be a matrix and removes the core uki job which was a clone of the uki jobs

Itxaka commented 1 month ago

Blocked until we can discuss on monday meeting what to do with fedora uki releases