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Change CNCF paragraph color #2601

Open mauromorales opened 3 weeks ago

mauromorales commented 3 weeks ago
          IMO the color of the paragraph is not the best for readability, I think keeping it white would be better

_Originally posted by @mauromorales in https://github.com/kairos-io/kairos-docs/pull/198#discussion_r1618611040_

ci-robbot commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @mauromorales, I am a bot that audits the tickets that get opened in a Github project. The project has the following rules for new tickets: - There should be a description of the issue - There should be steps to reproduce (if it's a bug) - The user should mention the versions of the relevant artifacts being used. Your issue doesn't meet the first requirement. Please provide a clear description of the issue. I will label the issue with question until then. I won't try to provide any solutions for the ticket itself. I can also triage and assign labels to the ticket accordingly. If you find that the issue does not have enough information, you will label the issue with the add_label_to_github_issue tool first, and then you will reply to the user. You will label the issue with the question label, if it's invalid, you will label it invalid, if the issue is valid, you will add the triage label to indicate it was triaged. Also, please note that I am a bot, an experiment of @mudler and @jimmykarily.