Open wangzhekan opened 7 years ago
It sounds that you are still using the ancient "dfu-reflash.bat", this may be the key of your problem. The keymap made by TKG can only work well with proper firmware.
Please try the latest version of tkg-toolkit, or consider to use the online "burn .eep file" feature. This feature always write proper firmware to your board.
I love TMK keymap generator and I have been using it for more than a year.
I have a GH60(RevCHN) I believe and I have no problem editing the layout, generating .eep file and use dfu-reflash.bat
Recently I want to create a new layout, but have problems that the .eep file generated does not work as I wanted to. To make thing easier, I made a test layout:
["~\n`","!\n1","@\n2","#\n3","$\n4","%\n5","^\n6","&\n7","*\n8","(\n9",")\n0","_\n-","+\n=",{w:2},"Backspace"], [{w:1.5},"Tab","Q","W","E","R","T","Y","U","I","O","P","{\n[","}\n]",{w:1.5},"|\n\"], [{w:1.75},"Caps Lock","A","S","D","F","G","H","J","K","L",":\n;","\"\n'",{w:2.25},"Enter"], [{w:2.25},"Shift","Z","X","C","V","B","N","M","<\n,",">\n.","?\n/",{w:2.75},"Shift"], [{w:1.25},"Ctrl",{w:1.25},"Win",{w:1.25},"lalt",{a:7,w:6.25},"",{a:4,w:1.25},"fn",{w:1.25},"Win",{w:1.25},"ralt",{w:1.25},"Ctrl"]
["~\n`","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","F11","F12",{w:2},"delete"], [{w:1.5},"Tab","",{a:7},"",{a:4},"Up","","","","prtsc","scrlc","pause\nbreak","wheelleft","wheelright","sleep",{a:7,w:1.5},""], [{a:4,w:1.75},"Caps Lock","","Left","Down","Right",{a:7},"","",{a:4},"ins","home","pgup","wheelup",{a:7},"",{a:4,w:2.25},"Enter"], [{w:2.25},"Shift","","","","","","","Del","End","PgDn","wheeldown",{w:2.75},"Up"], [{w:1.25},"Ctrl",{w:1.25},"Win",{w:1.25},"Alt",{w:6.25},"",{w:1.25},"fn",{w:1.25},"",{w:1.25},"",{w:1.25},"Ctrl"]
Supposedly, the key to the right of the space bar is the "fn"key and holding it should toggle layer 1 momentarily, where when I hold fn and "s" it should be left, etc.
But in reality the keyboard does not work as I wanted to. After opening a keyboard tester, I found that, the "fn" key is actually the right alt key. and the right "win" key is the new "fn" key, but the arrow key and keys such as insert, home, end, are not where I wanted.
Do you have any idea why is this the case and how to fix that? My old .eep still works, but just not able to create new layout.
Thanks very much.