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Question about shortest superstring problem #39

Closed qkrclrl701 closed 5 years ago

qkrclrl701 commented 5 years ago


  1. In the lecture-scribble.txt, there's an example of solve SS problem using greedy algorithm. I think the line catta, gagtat, tagga -> catta, gagtatagga Is wrong. We can have ovelap of 2 by merging tagga, gagtat in order to get catta, taggagtat. I think it is obvious, but the textbook have a same process, so I'm confused.

  2. When we calculate max overlap(s, t), textbook says it costs O(|s||t|) work and O(log|s|+log|t|) span. It says for non-parallel case, we calculate the overlap by brute force, then it is right, but O(min{|s|, |t|}^2) is more accurate. For the parallel case, by parallelly checking if n-length preffix of s and n-length suffix of t by reduce of logical and. Then, I think it is also costs O(log(min{|s|, |t|})). Is my explanation wrong, or the textbook uses weaker but simple upper bound to calculate overall cost easily?

cyron1259 commented 5 years ago

About your first question, this was also pointed out during the lecture, so the professor fixed it. Guess it was catta, gagtat, tagga -> cattagga, gagtat

Seems like the scribble hasn't been updated.

jeehoonkang commented 5 years ago
qkrclrl701 commented 5 years ago


For example, if we have two strings of length 2 and length 100, say s = ab and t = abab.....ab

Then, we have to check if 2 pairs of suffix/prefix match. (b, a) and (ab, ab). Each checking can be done in parallel, using reduce of logical and. We will check O(min(|s|, |t|)) number of suffix/prefix match, and their length is bounded by O(min(|s|, |t|)) , so it costs O(log min(|s|, |t|)) span. And then, we have to find the maximum length of matching suffix/prefix, and it can be done using reduce of maximum. There are O(min(|s|, |t|)) pairs, so maximum costs O(log min(|s|, |t|)) span.

Could you please explain in detail, why is has O(log |s| + log |t|) span? As I remember, the algorithm is the same as what is done in the class, and I don't understand why it has such span..

jeehoonkang commented 5 years ago

Yeah, as you said, a more precise analysis gives you O(log min(|s|, |t|)) span.