It's a Great work!
I was trying to combine it into CenterNet, I'm not sure the preprocessing part in mmdetection is in
[DCTNet/segmentation/mmdet/datasets/pipelines/] or other folders? is it the same process as in [/classification/datasets/]?
You said that the gain in AP is because of the input image is larger(not need to resize), so if the input image is resized, the improvement will be little?
Last question, it seems DCT only change the backbone network, what if I use it in the one-stage detector, will it have any influence?
Thanks so much for your reply and hope you get a good job!
It's a Great work! I was trying to combine it into CenterNet, I'm not sure the preprocessing part in mmdetection is in [DCTNet/segmentation/mmdet/datasets/pipelines/] or other folders? is it the same process as in [/classification/datasets/]?
You said that the gain in AP is because of the input image is larger(not need to resize), so if the input image is resized, the improvement will be little?
Last question, it seems DCT only change the backbone network, what if I use it in the one-stage detector, will it have any influence?
Thanks so much for your reply and hope you get a good job!