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Android Captive Portal URLs Commands #22

Closed xiaokaixuan closed 4 years ago

xiaokaixuan commented 4 years ago


settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 0
settings put global captive_portal_mode 0
settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 1
settings put global captive_portal_mode 1
settings put global captive_portal_use_https 0
settings put global captive_portal_server captive.v2ex.co
settings put global captive_portal_http_url http://captive.v2ex.co/generate_204
settings put global captive_portal_https_url https://captive.v2ex.co/generate_204
settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 1
settings put global captive_portal_mode 1
settings put global captive_portal_use_https 0
settings put global captive_portal_server connect.rom.miui.com
settings put global captive_portal_http_url http://connect.rom.miui.com/generate_204
settings put global captive_portal_https_url https://connect.rom.miui.com/generate_204
settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 1
settings put global captive_portal_mode 1
settings put global captive_portal_use_https 0
settings put global captive_portal_server developers.google.cn
settings put global captive_portal_http_url http://developers.google.cn/generate_204
settings put global captive_portal_https_url https://developers.google.cn/generate_204
settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 1
settings put global captive_portal_mode 1
settings put global captive_portal_use_https 0
settings put global captive_portal_server www.qualcomm.cn
settings put global captive_portal_http_url http://www.qualcomm.cn/generate_204
settings put global captive_portal_https_url https://www.qualcomm.cn/generate_204


  • captive_portal_detection_enabled: 5.0 ~ 7.1.1
  • Setting to turn off captive portal detection. Feature is enabled by default and the setting needs to be set to 0 to disable it.
  • captive_portal_mode: 7.1.2 ~
  • 0: CAPTIVE_PORTAL_MODE_IGNORE Don't attempt to detect captive portals.
  • 1: CAPTIVE_PORTAL_MODE_PROMPT When detecting a captive portal, display a notification that prompts the user to sign in.
  • 2: CAPTIVE_PORTAL_MODE_AVOID When detecting a captive portal, immediately disconnect from the network and do not reconnect to that network in the future.
  • captive_portal_use_https: 7.0 ~
  • Whether to use HTTPS for network validation. This is enabled by default and the setting needs to be set to 0 to disable it. This setting is a misnomer because captive portals don't actually use HTTPS, but it's consistent with the other settings.
  • captive_portal_server: 5.0 ~ 7.1.0
  • The server used for captive portal detection upon a new conection. A 204 response code from the server is used for validation.
  • captive_portal_http_url: 7.1.1 ~
  • The URL used for HTTP captive portal detection upon a new connection. A 204 response code from the server is used for validation.
  • captive_portal_https_url: 7.1.1 ~
  • The URL used for HTTPS captive portal detection upon a new connection. A 204 response code from the server is used for validation.
  • captive_portal_fallback_url: 7.1.1 ~
  • The URL used for fallback HTTP captive portal detection when previous HTTP and HTTPS captive portal detection attemps did not return a conclusive answer.
  • captive_portal_user_agent: 7.1.1 ~
  • Which User-Agent string to use in the header of the captive portal detection probes. The User-Agent field is unset when this setting has no value (HttpUrlConnection default).

    See Alsos

    https://www.noisyfox.cn/android-captive-portal.html https://twitter.com/wzyboy/status/856065582277435392 https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/android-7.1.2_r5/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/NetworkMonitor.java#645 https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/android-7.1.2_r5/core/java/android/provider/Settings.java#8027