kaizen-ai / kaizenflow

KaizenFlow is a framework for Bayesian reasoning and AI/ML stream computing
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Spring2024_Simple_Pub/Sub_Messaging_with_RabbitMQ #810

Open A-hannan06 opened 2 months ago

A-hannan06 commented 2 months ago

Description: Implement a robust publisher/subscriber messaging system using RabbitMQ, enabling publishers to efficiently broadcast messages to multiple subscribers. Develop intuitive publisher and subscriber scripts in Python, leveraging the pika library for seamless interaction with RabbitMQ, to showcase fundamental concepts of pub/sub messaging. Extend the functionality by incorporating features like message acknowledgment, durable message queues, and message filtering based on topics or routing keys. Explore advanced RabbitMQ configurations such as clustering for high availability and scalability. Additionally, delve into monitoring and management tools like RabbitMQ's management plugin or external solutions like Prometheus and Grafana for comprehensive system insights.

Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GEOmfpBUXiCua18wR1Hx1OMUVlku-1of/edit#heading=h.7r8qps18mk3r

A-hannan06 commented 2 months ago

I am having difficulty with connecting my local host to the rabbitmq server. On my windows, I am getting pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError and I would appreciate it if I can get guidance on how to go about this problem.

A-hannan06 commented 2 months ago

I have downloaded the rabbitmq server locally, however still fail to connect and still receive this error pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError.