kajott / TrackMeister

TrackMeister: a MOD/XM/IT/etc. player in fullscreen mode for tracked music compos at demoparties
MIT License
32 stars 1 forks source link

Support compilation on macOS #8

Closed polpo closed 3 months ago

polpo commented 3 months ago

Please note that this doesn't address the whole rigamarole around creating a releasable binary for macOS suitable for public consumption with code signing and such, this was just me scratching my own itch. 😄

When using SDL on macOS, there's no need to link against OpenGL because SDL as installed by Homebrew already brings in the OpenGL framework, and -lGL does not work on that platform anyway.

Also on macOS, the SDL window resize event returns the window size in points which on high-DPI screens is 2x the number of pixels. Using SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize returns the actual pixel size of the window.