kakajansh / flowwy

Boilerplate app that integrates Meteor + Famo.us + FlowRouter
2 stars 2 forks source link

repo organization #7

Open dcsan opened 9 years ago

dcsan commented 9 years ago

I usually use this structure for apps:


I adopted this in my fork of the repo, however its a big change so it completely breaks git merges... if you adopt this it would help, or i can setup a new cleaner repo.

kakajansh commented 9 years ago

It sounds good. And liked that structure, too. Adopting it will not be problem for me. But I think if we plan some sort of application for famous demo day, we should setup new repo. And plan about our app structure. Maybe with some sketching, what is app about, functionalities.. sc

dcsan commented 9 years ago

sounds good. maybe we can start with a new google doc to outline the main features?

dcsan commented 9 years ago

ideally i'd also like to build this mini-framework itself as a package, so that I can use it as a kind of core module in my main app with the router and some core views, and just extend it with other views in the same format perhaps as different packages. other people can do the same then too.

dcsan commented 9 years ago

QuizUp is a pretty nice app too eh. putting together the framework for something like that would be great.

ElevateApp and Peak are two awesome Brain training apps that have some quite simple but elegant design. Especially the Elevate minigames are beautiful to look at (but that's not really framework).

kakajansh commented 9 years ago

yes, we can start with outlining main features. And about packaging, it could look something like raix library And including to the project with famono. I am sure there are many other meteorites just waiting to the famous mixed mode. After its release many things will change.

kakajansh commented 9 years ago

Mostly, I think we are already ready for building apps like QuizUp, as @TheAlphaNerd described here

The current release is definitely usable. MixedMode will be released at the jQuerySF event.