kakaroto / R20Exporter

Script to export Roll 20 campaign into a zip file.
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Exporter gets stuck at jukebox step #16

Closed rouby44 closed 1 year ago

rouby44 commented 4 years ago

Each time I have tried to run the exporter (using the Chrome extension), it stops working at the "Saving Jukebox audio" step. The log simply says "couldn't download Jukebox audio from url: https://app.roll20.net/audio_library/play/[number strings]"

Parotan commented 4 years ago

i have the same issue.

Nuku commented 4 years ago


SamF111 commented 4 years ago

Just chiming in to say that it's still an issue, is there a way around it?

LyricalStreetPoet commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue. Going to delete my entries and see if that helps...

SamF111 commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue. Going to delete my entries and see if that helps...

I overcame it by using a fork of this project (the one referenced here https://github.com/kakaroto/R20Exporter/issues/17)


You have to manually import the extension to chrome if you do it this way.

GregHuey commented 2 years ago

I am having exactly this problem again, and I just freshly-installed v0.8.0 The exponential-backoff fix was supposed to be standard in v0.8.0, no? The campaign I am trying to export is super, super big - it takes something like 6-8 hours to get to the jukebox stage, but I have tried it twice now, and it locks up at the same place.

UPDATE: I tried do download the same game to a zip file on a machine with double the memory (32GB instead of 16GB) and it worked. The resulting zip file was slightly under 10GB. The download also took much less time (1-2 hours instead of 8-10) to get to the spot where the lockup had previously occurred. So, perhaps it was locking up due to running out of memory. Still, it would really, really help alot if the user got an error message instead of just a lockup. It is not only hard to diagnose the cause of a lockup, its also harder to even know if the download will complete (since its already running slowly, it is not immediately clear if there even is a lockup).

kakaroto commented 2 years ago

I am having exactly this problem again, and I just freshly-installed v0.8.0 The exponential-backoff fix was supposed to be standard in v0.8.0, no? The campaign I am trying to export is super, super big - it takes something like 6-8 hours to get to the jukebox stage, but I have tried it twice now, and it locks up at the same place.

UPDATE: I tried do download the same game to a zip file on a machine with double the memory (32GB instead of 16GB) and it worked. The resulting zip file was slightly under 10GB. The download also took much less time (1-2 hours instead of 8-10) to get to the spot where the lockup had previously occurred. So, perhaps it was locking up due to running out of memory. Still, it would really, really help alot if the user got an error message instead of just a lockup. It is not only hard to diagnose the cause of a lockup, its also harder to even know if the download will complete (since its already running slowly, it is not immediately clear if there even is a lockup).

Unfortunately, lock ups like that are kind of hard to predict and take into account, the exporter does a "download this" and waits for it to finish, it can take 10 seconds to finish or an hour, it can't really know. There are timeouts in place but sometimes they misbehave (from either Chrome itself or from Roll20). The RAM size making it faster could be related and running out of RAM made it slower as it used your hard drive as a temporary ram (swapping) or it could be that the network was simply faster at that moment. From my experience when it freezes on the jukebox, it's a roll20 issue and it generally works if you try a few hours later.

kakaroto commented 1 year ago

I believe I've finally found the cause of these and fixed it with the latest release. Please re-open if you still encounter the issue. Thanks

PrimeSZero commented 4 months ago

export stuck Also getting stuck on the latest version. Error couldn't download jukebox audio from url and it just freezes forever on this step with no way to download the zip.