kakaroto / R20Exporter

Script to export Roll 20 campaign into a zip file.
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Malformed lists in character bios #19

Closed Spappz closed 3 years ago

Spappz commented 3 years ago

In a character's bio HTML, lists appear as a mix of roman and italic font with the odd asterisk at the end. Without trawling your code, my guess is that list bullets are converted to an asterisk *, which is then parsed as markdown to produce HTML tags <em>.

For example,

- abc def
- lmn opq
- uvw xyz

is converted to

<em> abc def </em> lmn opq * uvw xyz

(plus other <p> tags and whatnot). I should specify that this doesn't happen with all lists, but I can't confirm what exact stylistic differences cause it.

This is generally a bit messy to view outside R20, so if there's an easy fix it'd be appreciated!

kakaroto commented 3 years ago

There's no markdown/html conversion, the export puts the html as received by roll20 as is. So I'm finding this weird. The converter also takes the html as is, so... I don't know how that would be changed. Can you check in the campaign.json file itself how the list appears from the raw exported html that Roll20 gives?

Spappz commented 3 years ago

Ah, I forgot about this!

Background was that I was helping a friend archive a mutual campaign, which contained a lot of 3rd-party D&D 5e material. The issue above was opened after I noticed the weird 'markdown-esque' entries in some characters' bio.htmls. After cross-referencing some SRD characters (which didn't have the same issue) and talking to my friend a while later about it, it turned out that the content they wanted archived was... just like that. As in, in the bio, it displayed as

List item one List item two *List item three

which, of course, got converted appropriately by R20E.

So, overall, the 3rd-party material that was being exported was just wonkily written into R20 itself, I didn't know at the time since my friend was the DM, and then I very handily forgot about making this issue.

Sorry for taking your time, and thanks for getting back about it!