kakaroto / R20Exporter

Script to export Roll 20 campaign into a zip file.
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[BUG] Zip Writer Error - NoModificationAllowedError #32

Open jobyburk opened 1 year ago

jobyburk commented 1 year ago


Just bought this module so I could export and convert to Foundry and upload on the Forge, created a fresh campaign, immediately went to export and it provided the above error. JSON exporter works fine though. I've tried suggested fixes for similar issues that have been resolved in this Git, but nothing helps. I have tried uninstalling the extension, clearing data/resetting site settings for Roll20, etc.

It should be noted that I use Chrome for my main browser and that I have used this extension in the past with great success, but not on this computer. I have not tried yet tried to replicate this issue on other computers.

kakaroto commented 1 year ago

Humm... that's very weird, I've never seen that error before and I can't find anything relevant about it online. It sounds like maybe the C: driver is read-only, or there's something wrong with your version of Chrome or the installation. Unfortunately, I'm clueless as what could cause it or how to fix it. At least, the JSON option remains as a fallback, though it's not ideal...

jobyburk commented 1 year ago

Fortunately, I was able to get it to work on another computer. I do believe it has to do with some security protocol on the computer I was using. Indeed odd, but I can't imagine it is a common issue since it looks like I'm the only person to ever encounter it, haha.