kakaroto / R20Exporter

Script to export Roll 20 campaign into a zip file.
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No Export Button Or Manual Export #40

Closed CeGyger92 closed 1 year ago

CeGyger92 commented 1 year ago

The extension is installed but no button appears under settings. I looked at an old issue and saw a command for initiating the export manually but that resulted in an error that the exporter was undefined. Please advise.


enter46 commented 1 year ago

Same Problem here. Worked fine yesterday.

kakaroto commented 1 year ago

Hi, This is due to a change to the roll20 site which they did yesterday. I'll soon be releasing an update to fix it. In the meantime, if your Roll20 URL is https://app.roll20.net/editor/?oauth_check=1 , remove the ?oauth_check=1 at the end of the URL, and it should work. Your Roll20 campaign URL should be: https://app.roll20.net/editor/