Brief Description
Pin a picture of the color codes in #global
Why do you want the feature?
Mostly for ease of access so people don't have to look it up on google each time
Additional context
Here's a picture:
Also, here's text if thats easier (organized by brightness):
Dark Colors
&0 = Black
&1 = Dark Blue
&2 = Dark Green
&3 = Dark Aqua
&4 = Dark Red
&5 = Dark Purple
&8 = Dark Gray
Med Colors
&6 = Gold
&7 = Gray
&9 = Blue
Light Colors
&a = Green
&b = Aqua
&c = Red
&d = Light Purple
&e = Yellow
&f = White
Brief Description Pin a picture of the color codes in #global
Why do you want the feature? Mostly for ease of access so people don't have to look it up on google each time
Additional context Here's a picture:
Also, here's text if thats easier (organized by brightness): Dark Colors &0 = Black &1 = Dark Blue &2 = Dark Green &3 = Dark Aqua &4 = Dark Red &5 = Dark Purple &8 = Dark Gray
Med Colors &6 = Gold &7 = Gray &9 = Blue
Light Colors &a = Green &b = Aqua &c = Red &d = Light Purple &e = Yellow &f = White
Other &l = Bold &n = Underline &o = Italic &m = Strikethrough &k = Magic &r = Reset