kakkoyun / the-zen-of-prometheus

The Zen of Prometheus
Apache License 2.0
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Zen of observability #3

Open ArthurSens opened 4 years ago

ArthurSens commented 4 years ago

Hey, saw your presentation at the PromCon 2020 and it instantly reminded me of one SIG-Observability issue.

What do you think about expanding this repository with more knowledge around observability overall, and not only Prometheus?

I was thinking that the index page could gather best practices about observability overall, then other pages could talk about the main topics around it:

and again each topic could have another zen for each tool

Something like this:

├── chaos-engineering
│   ├── litmus
│   │   └── zen-of-litmus.md
│   └── zen-of-chaos-engineering.md
├── logging
│   ├── fluentd
│   │   └── zen-of-fluentd.md
│   ├── loki
│   │   └── zen-of-loki.md
│   └── zen-of-logging.md
├── monitoring
│   ├── elasticsearch
│   │   └── zen-of-elasticsearch.md
│   ├── prometheus
│   │   └── zen-of-prometheus.md
│   └── zen-of-monitoring.md
├── tracing
│   ├── jaeger
│   │   └── zen-of-jaeger.md
│   └── zen-of-tracing.md
└── zen-of-observability.md

Of course I'm not asking you to provide information about everything, but I think that each community could add their own zen and slowly build this big and centralized website with best practices for everything around observability!


bwplotka commented 4 years ago

Zen repo ((:

bwplotka commented 4 years ago

I am build some skeleton of the docs for https://github.com/cncf/sig-observability/issues/19 and will definitely will link this zen there.

I think it would be nice if maintainers / community of each project to help create some best practices like this (:

kakkoyun commented 4 years ago

@ArthurSens That's a great idea. We can start these individual Zen's across the community as @bwplotka suggested and create an overarching one as well. SIG Observability is the place the consolidate all the efforts, where has already started in cncf/sig-observability#19