Of the various Chromecasting libraries for C#/Xamarin, yours appears to be the only modern (DotNet Standard 2.0) one. When it came to choosing one for my project, I went for sharpcaster as you all had roughly the same last commit dates and they seemed to have a few more features. Having switched to Xamarin.Forms 4 now, I see that they are rather out of date and (probably) nothing built with them will get onto the Apple app store these days (API issues). Is there any way you could commit some/anything just to give the casual browser some indication that yours is still active and the way to go. I replaced Sharpcaster with your library in an hour with about half the code.
Of the various Chromecasting libraries for C#/Xamarin, yours appears to be the only modern (DotNet Standard 2.0) one. When it came to choosing one for my project, I went for sharpcaster as you all had roughly the same last commit dates and they seemed to have a few more features. Having switched to Xamarin.Forms 4 now, I see that they are rather out of date and (probably) nothing built with them will get onto the Apple app store these days (API issues). Is there any way you could commit some/anything just to give the casual browser some indication that yours is still active and the way to go. I replaced Sharpcaster with your library in an hour with about half the code.