kakone / VLC.MediaElement

MediaElement clone powered by VLC
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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The control might be incompatible with forthcoming WinUI3 library #89

Open markachus opened 3 years ago

markachus commented 3 years ago

Windows UI LIbrary 3 is about to be released shortly in 2021 As explained here, this library expands WinUI2 and makes it available to different types of windows applications (e.g win32) and not only to UWP.

The point is this forthcoming version introduces some breaking changes affecting the Xaml UI namespaces that makes VLC.MediaElement non-compatible with WinUI3. You can find these changes in the WinUI3 Limitations and Known Issues

One of the key changes is the rename or "moving" of the namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls to Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls which will surely affect the control compatibility in the future since VLC.MediaElement derives from Windows.UI.Xaml.Control.

In my case amb migrating a project that uses VLC.MediaElement to WinUI3 (lets' say a have no choice) and my code is breaking saying: Cannot add 'MediaElement' into the collection property 'Children', type must be 'UIElement'.

This issue is just to warn the owner that the control might be, in a while, non-usable if no migration is planned.

Hope this helps