kakopappa / arduino-esp8266-alexa-multiple-wemo-switch

multiple belkin wemos switch emulator using ESP8266
MIT License
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Strange issue with discovered devices #38

Open suvigya-iot opened 6 years ago

suvigya-iot commented 6 years ago

Hi, My Echo Dot is able to find devices, reflects clearly in Alexa app and debug window. When i try calling for power on or off Alexa tells me sorry no device registered with this name for at least 2 out of 6 switches, sometimes more.

In case some device does not get registered in first search and i search again it registers correctly but either the switch last added or one or more switches added previously give that response.

suvigya-iot commented 6 years ago

Was probably my stupidity but just in case if some one makes the same mistake, naming of switch should be "Switch 1" rather than "Switch1" "Switch 2" rather than "Switch2" space is important. Tested twice, switches are working, please close the issue.

Thanks for the awesome wemo stuff :)