kakopappa / arduino-esp8266-alexa-multiple-wemo-switch

multiple belkin wemos switch emulator using ESP8266
MIT License
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Question: WeMo Smart LED Bulbs #5

Open tvixen opened 7 years ago

tvixen commented 7 years ago

Hi Thanks for a great piece of code...total cool, im using it everyday.

One question, do you plan to implement the WeMo Smart LED Bulbs ? So it will be possible to dim the bulb, or set anything else to a certain value...volume, or channel up/down ?

Thanks in advance.

kakopappa commented 7 years ago


I have not looked at WeMo Smart LED Bulbs yet mainly, because they are expensive (at least for me). I assume they work some what similar. Try sniffing on HTTP traffic from Alexa to bulb and see.

I have different setup at home .. a cheap one. I brought milights from AliExpress about 10$ each. Then brought the remote controller about 7$ and used my raspberry pi + rf controller to emulate the remote. then used fauxmo (https://github.com/makermusings/fauxmo) to trun on/off using alexa. I have been using this setup for about 3 months now, didn't burn down my house yet.


tvixen commented 7 years ago

Ok, sounds great with your setup. Always funny to make new things. I read that Alexa do not support Wemo Light Bulb, so I think I will look at something else to copy a up/down function from.

I need a function to control some of these up/down things I have among the on/off things :)

/ Declare Samsung TV callbacks (on-off) / void SamsungTVOn(); //Samsung TV toggle ON/OFF void SamsungTVOff(); //Samsung TV toggle ON/OFF void SamsungMuteOn(); //Samsung TV Mute void SamsungChannelUp(); //Samsung TV Channal up void SamsungChannelDown(); //Samsung TV Channal Down void SamsungVolumeUp(); //Samsung TV Volume up void SamsungVolumeDown(); //Samsung TV Volume down void SamsungCH1On(); //Samsung TV Ch 1 void SamsungCH2On(); //Samsung TV Ch 2 void SamsungCH3On(); //Samsung TV Ch 3

/ Declare Marantz callbacks (on-off) / void AmplifierOn(); //Amplifier ON void AmplifierOff(); //Amplifier OFF void AmplifierVolumeUp(); //Amplifier volume up void AmplifierVolumeDown(); //Amplifier volume down void AmplifierAuxOn(); //Amplifier Aux input void AmplifierTunerOn(); //Amplifier Tuner input void AmplifierTvOn(); //Amplifier TV input void AmplifierDVDOn(); //Amplifier DVD input void AmplifierScourceUp(); //Amplifier Source up void AmplifierScourceDown(); //Amplifier Source down void AmplifierMuteOn(); //Amplifier Mute toggle void AmplifierMuteOff(); //Amplifier Mute toggle

/ Declare Mile callbacks (on-off) / void VacuumCleanerOn(); //Vaccum Cleaner toggle ON void VacuumCleanerCornerOn(); //Corners ON void VacuumCleanerGoOn(); //Go Go Go void VacuumCleanerBaseOn(); //Return to home

As you can see, I need use a couples of up/down functions to control volume aso. So if you have any great ideas, I would gladly hear them.

tvixen commented 7 years ago

This seems to be a winner https://www.engadget.com/2017/01/03/wemo-dimmer-switch-and-mini/

tvixen commented 7 years ago

Btw do you have issue with the discovery numbers. Sometimes Alexa will only discover 4 switches, even if theres 8 ? And I have to discover 3-4 times.