kakopappa / arduino-esp8266-alexa-wemo-switch

Amazon Alexa + WeMos switch made with Arduino D1 Mini
MIT License
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Does anyone have this code working with a WiFi configuration manager? thanks #13

Open captainchaosrules opened 7 years ago

Enterius commented 7 years ago

I tried but I failed. So I have to wait for some help from someone more skilled than me. i am just the beginner :)

hkauroberoi commented 6 years ago

Yes... I did it and work fine. WiFiManager + Alexa + MQTT

abhinavjha86 commented 6 years ago


I integrated WifiManger code with Kaopappa's Wemo emulation code and it works great!! Here's the sketch... sinric_WiFiManager.ino.zip

JCMireles commented 4 years ago

So I have put the code in and I keep getting fail to mount FS on the serial monitor I am new to all this so still learning yes I am a Newbee do I have to change anything cuz all I did was copy and past the code

using a Wemos D1 mini