kakopappa / sinric

Amazon Alexa Smart home skill / Google Home Action for ESP8266 / ESP32 / Arduino
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Google Home temperature scale #275

Open marcoaltomonte opened 5 years ago

marcoaltomonte commented 5 years ago

In Google Home app my thermostats temperature is correct (ie about 23 Celsius) however the UI is showing a wrong scale in the circular widget (look at issue 148 screenshots). Is this a Google Home app issue or maybe sinric is sending Google a wrong scale? I am sending data with the function setSetTemperatureSettingOnServer, using "CELSIUS" as third parameter. Thanks.

kakopappa commented 5 years ago

what's your Google Home temperature scale set to? https://support.google.com/googlehome/answer/7550597?hl=en

marcoaltomonte commented 5 years ago


marcoaltomonte commented 5 years ago

The min value of the round UI is 10. The maximum is 100.