kakopappa / sinric

Amazon Alexa Smart home skill / Google Home Action for ESP8266 / ESP32 / Arduino
285 stars 166 forks source link

Practical implication of this projects #328

Open dimityrivanov opened 4 years ago

dimityrivanov commented 4 years ago

@kakopappa Hello author of Sinric i decided to use the library to make a practical use of it using esp8266 mobile application and voice assistant and I am sharing the information with you here https://github.com/dimityrivanov/ESP-ACController

kakopappa commented 4 years ago

@dimityrivanov Thanks mate. Looks awsome.

have you tried making the PCB and soldering the components yet?

I think you have to update the silk-screen with the UART pin names.

dimityrivanov commented 4 years ago

@kakopappa Yeah the PCB is tested already, you can open the schematic it will make it more straight forward how the header is sorted out. One bug thought you have to provide power over the usb to program it small mistake but not a big deal :D

If you can add it to this repo as an support project it would be nice.

kakopappa commented 4 years ago
