kakopappa / sinric

Amazon Alexa Smart home skill / Google Home Action for ESP8266 / ESP32 / Arduino
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Alexa skill pt-BR support #352

Open ricardo-brenner opened 4 years ago

ricardo-brenner commented 4 years ago

Could you add pt-BR support to the alexa skill?

kakopappa commented 4 years ago

@ricardo-brenner Thanks you for your input.

Can you help me to add BR support to upcoming Sinric v2 please?

This is the english language file for Alexa https://github.com/sinricpro/language-files/blob/master/en/amazon_alexa_skill.txt

There are some more files for website / backend / frontend. https://github.com/sinricpro/language-files/blob/master/en/

I can put it through Google Translate first if it makes your life easy.

lucianojose commented 4 years ago

I'm interest on it. How can i help you to translate sinric.com alexa skill to pt-br?

kakopappa commented 4 years ago

@lucianojose Pro is available in pt-br now. please switch to pro