kakopappa / sinric

Amazon Alexa Smart home skill / Google Home Action for ESP8266 / ESP32 / Arduino
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Relays turn automatically on which are connected to esp8266 and sinric. #407

Open Rahul0787 opened 4 years ago

Rahul0787 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I have an esp8266 connected with 4 relays and I am controlling it with Alexa and Sinric everything working fine with voice commands also but whenever I disconnect the power supply of Nodemcu and then connect it back all four relays turn on automatically. I am very new to this stuff please help me. Attaching my code here.

Version 0.3 - March 06 2018 Grensom Version */




include // https://github.com/kakopappa/sinric/wiki/How-to-add-dependency-libraries

include // https://github.com/kakopappa/sinric/wiki/How-to-add-dependency-libraries


ESP8266WiFiMulti WiFiMulti; WebSocketsClient webSocket; WiFiClient client;

///////////WiFi Setup/////////////

define MyApiKey "............." // TODO: Change to your sinric API Key. Your API Key is displayed on sinric.com dashboard

define MySSID "7........." // TODO: Change to your Wifi network SSID

define MyWifiPassword "..........." // TODO: Change to your Wifi network password


define HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL 300000 // 5 Minutes

uint64_t heartbeatTimestamp = 0; bool isConnected = false;

void setPowerStateOnServer(String deviceId, String value); void setTargetTemperatureOnServer(String deviceId, String value, String scale);

// deviceId is the ID assgined to your smart-home-device in sinric.com dashboard. Copy it from dashboard and paste it here

void turnOn(String deviceId) { if (deviceId == "5e85fc13ce60582b5f888cc9") // Device ID of first device {
Serial.print("Turn on device id: "); Serial.println(deviceId); digitalWrite(0, LOW); } else if (deviceId == "5e85fc27ce60582b5f888ce3") // Device ID of second device { Serial.print("Turn on device id: "); Serial.println(deviceId); digitalWrite(2, LOW); } else if (deviceId == "5e85fc30ce60582b5f888cf1") // Device ID of third device { Serial.print("Turn on device id: "); Serial.println(deviceId); digitalWrite(14, LOW); } else if (deviceId == "5e85fc41ce60582b5f888d0b") // Device ID of forth device { Serial.print("Turn on device id: "); Serial.println(deviceId); digitalWrite(12, LOW); } else { Serial.print("Turn on for unknown device id: "); Serial.println(deviceId);

void turnOff(String deviceId) { if (deviceId == "5e85fc13ce60582b5f888cc9") // Device ID of first device {
Serial.print("Turn off Device ID: "); Serial.println(deviceId); digitalWrite(0, HIGH); } else if (deviceId == "5e85fc27ce60582b5f888ce3") // Device ID of second device { Serial.print("Turn off Device ID: "); Serial.println(deviceId); digitalWrite(2, HIGH); } else if (deviceId == "5e85fc30ce60582b5f888cf1") // Device ID of second device { Serial.print("Turn off Device ID: "); Serial.println(deviceId); digitalWrite(14, HIGH); } else if (deviceId == "5e85fc41ce60582b5f888d0b") // Device ID of second device { Serial.print("Turn off Device ID: "); Serial.println(deviceId); digitalWrite(12, HIGH); } else { Serial.print("Turn off for unknown device id: "); Serial.println(deviceId);
} }

void webSocketEvent(WStype_t type, uint8_t * payload, size_t length) { switch(type) { case WStype_DISCONNECTED: isConnected = false;
Serial.printf("[WSc] Webservice disconnected from sinric.com!\n"); break; case WStype_CONNECTED: { isConnected = true; Serial.printf("[WSc] Service connected to sinric.com at url: %s\n", payload); Serial.printf("Waiting for commands from sinric.com ...\n");
} break; case WStype_TEXT: { Serial.printf("[WSc] get text: %s\n", payload); // Example payloads

    // For Switch or Light device types
    // {"deviceId": xxxx, "action": "setPowerState", value: "ON"} // https://developer.amazon.com/docs/device-apis/alexa-powercontroller.html

    // For Light device type
    // Look at the light example in github

    DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.parseObject((char*)payload); 
    String deviceId = json ["deviceId"];     
    String action = json ["action"];

    if(action == "setPowerState") { // Switch or Light
        String value = json ["value"];
        if(value == "ON") {
        } else {
    else if (action == "SetTargetTemperature") {
        String deviceId = json ["deviceId"];     
        String action = json ["action"];
        String value = json ["value"];
    else if (action == "test") {
        Serial.println("[WSc] received test command from sinric.com");
case WStype_BIN:
  Serial.printf("[WSc] get binary length: %u\n", length);

} }

void setup() { Serial.begin(115200);

WiFiMulti.addAP(MySSID, MyWifiPassword); Serial.println(); Serial.print("Connecting to Wifi: "); Serial.println(MySSID);

// Waiting for Wifi connect while(WiFiMulti.run() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } if(WiFiMulti.run() == WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.println(""); Serial.print("WiFi connected. "); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); }

// server address, port and URL webSocket.begin("iot.sinric.com", 80, "/");

// event handler webSocket.onEvent(webSocketEvent); webSocket.setAuthorization("apikey", MyApiKey);

// try again every 5000ms if connection has failed webSocket.setReconnectInterval(5000); // If you see 'class WebSocketsClient' has no member named 'setReconnectInterval' error update arduinoWebSockets pinMode(0, OUTPUT); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); pinMode(14, OUTPUT); pinMode(12, OUTPUT); }

void loop() { webSocket.loop();

if(isConnected) { uint64_t now = millis();

  // Send heartbeat in order to avoid disconnections during ISP resetting IPs over night. Thanks @MacSass
  if((now - heartbeatTimestamp) > HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) {
      heartbeatTimestamp = now;


// If you are going to use a push button to on/off the switch manually, use this function to update the status on the server // so it will reflect on Alexa app. // eg: setPowerStateOnServer("deviceid", "ON")

// Call ONLY If status changed. DO NOT CALL THIS IN loop() and overload the server.

void setPowerStateOnServer(String deviceId, String value) { DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); root["deviceId"] = deviceId; root["action"] = "setPowerState"; root["value"] = value; StreamString databuf; root.printTo(databuf);

webSocket.sendTXT(databuf); }

//eg: setPowerStateOnServer("deviceid", "CELSIUS", "25.0")

// Call ONLY If status changed. DO NOT CALL THIS IN loop() and overload the server.

void setTargetTemperatureOnServer(String deviceId, String value, String scale) { DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); root["action"] = "SetTargetTemperature"; root["deviceId"] = deviceId;

JsonObject& valueObj = root.createNestedObject("value"); JsonObject& targetSetpoint = valueObj.createNestedObject("targetSetpoint"); targetSetpoint["value"] = value; targetSetpoint["scale"] = scale;

StreamString databuf; root.printTo(databuf);

webSocket.sendTXT(databuf); }