kakopappa / sinric

Amazon Alexa Smart home skill / Google Home Action for ESP8266 / ESP32 / Arduino
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sinric pro and googlehomenotifier #470

Open ericp011 opened 3 years ago

ericp011 commented 3 years ago

hi, i use sinric pro to create thermostat with esp8266 and ds18b20 with arduino example 'Temperaturesensor' adapted to ds18b20 with 'DallasTemperature ' library. all is good and i can ask with my google home the temperature of the thermostat and get a good answer. But i would like use 'googlehome notifier' to be notified when temperature is too hot or to cold but i don't get message. if i write the code 'ghn.notify' in the 'SETUP' it's all right and google home speak but the code in the void loop section don't work. i have no errors but google home don't speak . i think 'SinricPro.handle() or/and handleTemperaturesensor() are responsable. what do you think about and do you have a solution? ps: sorry for ma english..

ericp011 commented 3 years ago

hi, I found a solution 👍 I stop the connexion to server with 'sinricpro.stop' just before use Googlenotifier (ghn.notify()) and i restart with sinricpro.begin!