kakwa / ldapcherry

Web UI for managing users and groups in multiple directory services.
MIT License
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Unavalaible Service #63

Open CyberPoison opened 4 years ago

CyberPoison commented 4 years ago

Hi, everyone.

I have an issue with my ldapcherry docker, when i try to perform the login i get Unavalaible service

but i configured allready the ldap config

# global parameters

# listing interface
server.socket_host = ''
# port
server.socket_port = 8080

# it's also possible to run bound to a unix socket
#server.socket_file = '/tmp/lc.sock'

# number of threads
server.thread_pool = 8
#don't show traceback on error
request.show_tracebacks = False

# log configuration
# /!\ you can't have multiple log handlers
#   configuration to log in files   #
## logger 'file' for access log 
#log.access_handler = 'file'
## logger syslog for error and ldapcherry log 
#log.error_handler = 'file'
## access log file
#log.access_file = '/tmp/ldapcherry_access.log'
## error and ldapcherry log file
#log.error_file = '/tmp/ldapcherry_error.log'

#  configuration to log to stdout   #
## logger stdout for access log
#log.access_handler = 'stdout'
## logger stdout for error and ldapcherry log
#log.error_handler = 'stdout'

#  configuration to log in syslog   #
# logger syslog for access log 
#log.access_handler = 'syslog'
## logger syslog for error and ldapcherry log 
log.error_handler = 'syslog'

#  configuration to not log at all  #
# logger none for access log 
log.access_handler = 'none'
# logger none for error and ldapcherry log 
#log.error_handler = 'none'

# log level
log.level = 'info'

# session configuration
# activate session
tools.sessions.on = True
# session timeout
tools.sessions.timeout = 10
# file session storage(to use if multiple processes, 
# default is in RAM and per process)
#tools.sessions.storage_type = "file"
# session 
#tools.sessions.storage_path = "/var/lib/ldapcherry/sessions"


# file discribing form content
attributes.file = '/etc/ldapcherry/attributes.yml'


# file listing roles
roles.file = '/etc/ldapcherry/roles.yml'


#   configuration of ldap backend   #

# name of the module
ldap.module = 'ldapcherry.backend.backendLdap'
# display name of the ldap
ldap.display_name = 'My Ldap Directory'

# uri of the ldap directory
ldap.uri = 'ldap://'
# ca to use for ssl/tls connexion
#ldap.ca = '/etc/dnscherry/TEST-cacert.pem'
# use start tls
#ldap.starttls = 'off'
# check server certificate (for tls)
#ldap.checkcert = 'off'
# bind dn to the ldap
ldap.binddn = 'cn=admin,dc=blackdragon,dc=tv'
# password of the bind dn
ldap.password = '*******'
# timeout of ldap connexion (in second)
ldap.timeout = 1

# groups dn
ldap.groupdn = 'ou=Groups,dc=blackdragon,dc=tv'
# users dn
ldap.userdn = 'ou=Users,dc=blackdragon,dc=tv'

# ldapsearch filter to get one specific user
# %(username)s is content of the attribute marked 'key: True' in the attributes.file config file
ldap.user_filter_tmpl = '(uid=%(username)s)'
# ldapsearch filter to get groups of a user
# %(username)s is content of the attribute marked 'key: True' in the attributes.file config file
ldap.group_filter_tmpl = '(member=uid=%(username)s,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org)'
# filter to search users
# %(searchstring)s is the content passed through the search box
ldap.search_filter_tmpl = '(|(uid=%(searchstring)s*)(sn=%(searchstring)s*))'

# ldap group attributes and how to fill them
# 'member' is the name of the attribute
# for the template, any of the user's ldap attributes can be user
ldap.group_attr.member = "%(dn)s"
# same with memverUid and the uid user's attribute
#ldap.group_attr.memberUid = "%(uid)s"

# object classes of a user entry
ldap.objectclasses = 'top, person, posixAccount, inetOrgPerson'
# dn entry attribute for an ldap user
ldap.dn_user_attr = 'uid'

#   configuration of ad backend     #

## Name of the backend
#ad.module = 'ldapcherry.backend.backendAD'
## display name of the ldap
#ad.display_name = 'My Active Directory'
## ad domain
#ad.domain = 'dc.ldapcherry.org'
## ad login
#ad.login  = 'administrator'
## ad password 
#ad.password = 'qwertyP455'
## ad uri
#ad.uri = 'ldap://ldap.ldapcherry.org'

## ca to use for ssl/tls connexion
#ad.ca = '/etc/dnscherry/TEST-cacert.pem'
## use start tls
#ad.starttls = 'off'
## check server certificate (for tls)
#ad.checkcert = 'off'

#   configuration of demo backend   #

## Name of the backend
#demo.module = 'ldapcherry.backend.backendDemo'
## Display name of the Backend
#demo.display_name  = 'Demo Backend'
## Groups of admin user
#demo.admin.groups  = 'DnsAdmins'
## Groups of basic user
#demo.basic.groups  = 'Test 2, Test 1'
## Password attribute name
#demo.pwd_attr = 'userPassword'
## Attribute to use for the search
#demo.search_attributes = 'cn, sn, givenName, uid'
## Login of default admin user
#demo.admin.user = 'admin'
## Password of default admin user
#demo.admin.password = 'admin'
## Login of default basic user
#demo.basic.user = 'user'
## Password of default basic user
#demo.basic.password = 'user'


# password policy module
ppolicy.module = 'ldapcherry.ppolicy.simple'

# parameters of the module
min_length = 8
min_upper = 1
min_digit = 1

# authentification parameters

# Auth mode
# * and: user must authenticate on all backends
# * or:  user must authenticate on one of the backend
# * none: disable authentification
# * custom: custom authentification module (need auth.module param)
auth.mode = 'or'

# custom auth module to load
#auth.module = 'ldapcherry.auth.modNone'

# resources parameters
# templates directory
templates.dir = '/usr/share/ldapcherry/templates/'

# enable serving static file through ldapcherry
# set to False if files served directly by an
# http server for better performance
tools.staticdir.on = True
# static resources directory (js, css, images...)
tools.staticdir.dir = '/usr/share/ldapcherry/static/'

## custom javascript files
## enable serving static file through ldapcherry
## set to False if files served directly by an
## http server for better performance
#tools.staticdir.on = True

## path to directory containing js files
## use it to add custom auto-fill functions
#tools.staticdir.dir = '/etc/ldapcherry/custom_js/'

So i don't understand what is wrong here ?