kalahanguntakala / nhanc.io

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Nice to meet you need help in anything? Machine learning, cloud, cybersecurity #1

Open ArkS0001 opened 1 month ago

kalahanguntakala commented 1 month ago

Hi Aakarshit Srivastava,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Kalahan, and I recently started working on LeetCode problems to enhance my coding skills, particularly in JavaScript. I noticed your impressive solutions and expertise on the platform and was hoping to get some advice from you.

I would love to know more about your approach to solving LeetCode problems. Specifically, I have a few questions:

Getting Started: Which problems or problem categories would you recommend for someone who is just starting? Are there specific patterns or types of problems that I should focus on initially?

Learning Path: How did you structure your learning path when you started? Did you follow a particular sequence of problems or topics?

Resources and Tools: Could you suggest any resources, tools, or techniques that helped you improve your problem-solving skills and efficiency?

Practice Routine: How do you typically practice and maintain your problem-solving skills? Do you follow a specific routine or schedule?

Your guidance would be incredibly valuable to me as I strive to become a better coder. Thank you so much for your time and any advice you can offer.

Best regards, Kalahan

ArkS0001 commented 1 month ago

There is no secret formula or anything, While studying data structures and competitive coding, I was recommended leetcode by my colleagues ,friends and mentors. Leetcode is best platform to shape your thinking capabilities according the the question as it drives not only a solution to a problem but specific method or algorithm for it to be optimized.

To get started select easy questions type to get hang of the platform.

Resources to learn are just keep practicing, Expanding your knowledge,can use various websites like gfg, w3school, youtube etc. Also check out for topics the question requires ,if you don't know about it try your way see the problems your solution have it can be time limit or output limit. check the public solutions understand them, think about improvement in your solution then implement it.

Various data structure knowledge is very important with proper knowledge of the language you use to code. for example a problem of subsets, can be solved using backtracking then improved using top down-bottom up approaches then later also requires memoization and dynamic[dp].

Try to atleast solve one question a day and also go through the daily challenge questions it ill make you aware of the questions.

Now for JavaScript,you can solve each and every problem using any language you are comfortable with given , it is supported by leetcode. keep connected it will help mutually

ArkS0001 commented 1 month ago

Also I'm currently focusing on ML ,Cloud, blockchain. If you are looking for any collaboration or interested,then i will be happy to help as well

kalahanguntakala commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your detailed advice. I appreciate the recommendation to start with easy questions on LeetCode and the emphasis on continuous practice.

I’ll use resources like GeeksforGeeks, W3Schools, and YouTube to expand my knowledge and will analyze public solutions to improve my coding. Your example of solving subsets with different approaches is very helpful.

I’ll commit to solving at least one question a day and engaging with daily challenges.

Thanks again for your guidance and encouragement. I’ll stay connected for mutual learning.

kalahanguntakala commented 1 month ago

Also, there's an exciting AI startup hiring interns. You can check out their LinkedIn page here: Evaluaitor. If you're interested, ping me!

ArkS0001 commented 1 month ago

Sure will check