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composer create-project is SLOW #73

Open pirog opened 10 years ago

pirog commented 10 years ago

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patcon commented 10 years ago

Not sure if it solves your dilemma, but heads up, amigo: https://github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-cachier/pull/50

pirog commented 10 years ago

@patcon, DevOps guardian angel.

will def check this out. have you experimented with settings up your own composer repo a la http://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/handling-private-packages-with-satis.md at all?

patcon commented 10 years ago

haha naw, sorry dude, haven't used satis, but there's this if you want to see what it generates: http://packages.drupalbin.com/

Not sure if this is what you meant, but unsure if there would be any significant speed-up -- I think packagist mostly points to github tarballs, so it might not be packagist itself that's being slow. I might have more context if I could see the slow composer.json. Is it public?

pirog commented 10 years ago

Maybe i read the docs wrong but i thought the issue was composert create-project actually just does a git clone followed by composer install which i suppose may also be a git clone if you have no actual tarball?

https://github.com/kalamuna/terminatur/blob/master/composer.json pretty simple, just a dependency on terminus :/