kalamuna / kalastatic

:electric_plug: Facilitate the front-end experience through Styleguides and Prototypes
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JSON MetaData Content: Share between Prototype/Styleguide/CMS #398

Open thiagodemellobueno opened 7 years ago

thiagodemellobueno commented 7 years ago

@RobLoach and @thiagodemellobueno came up with some workflowy stretch goals together.

Input from @soniktrooth and @derekderaps clearly welcome appreciated

soniktrooth commented 7 years ago

The atomic name spaces don't seem to be working when it comes to metatdata stuffz.

This works: @kalastatic/components/molecules/nav--primary/nav--primary.html.json

This does not @molecules/nav--primary/nav--primary.html.json

thiagodemellobueno commented 7 years ago

We should keep our eyes on this one: https://github.com/kss-node/kss-node/issues/320

Looks like we maybe able to work it into the builder in a situation where we cant go ahead and add it to KSS.

Seems like we should look at this approach for passing variables INTO kss too... and implementing our 'file injection as key' to KSS too.

RobLoach commented 6 years ago