kalamuna / kalastatic

:electric_plug: Facilitate the front-end experience through Styleguides and Prototypes
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404 page #537

Open soniktrooth opened 6 years ago

soniktrooth commented 6 years ago

We should add the ability to gracefully handle 404 pages.

Here is an exampe of how to do it with Browsersync:

'use strict';

const content_404 = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '404.html'));

const browserSync = require("browser-sync").create();

    files: ["app/css/*.css"],
    server: {
        baseDir: "app"
}, (err, bs) => {
    bs.addMiddleware("*", (req, res) => {
        // Provides the 404 content without redirect.

Stolen gracefully from https://github.com/BrowserSync/browser-sync/issues/1398

jeffschwartz commented 1 year ago

But what about the CLI, how would that work?

It'd be awesome to have a command line option like --pageNotFound "./404.html", which would avoid the need to have to use a script. While the above works for those who are already scripting, many would lose the benefit of the CLI just because they need to handle 404.