kalamuna / kalastatic

:electric_plug: Facilitate the front-end experience through Styleguides and Prototypes
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Switch to Twing #555

Closed RobLoach closed 6 years ago

RobLoach commented 6 years ago


thiagodemellobueno commented 6 years ago

@RobLoach can you elaborate o what we get by doing this that we otherwise don't?

andrewmallis commented 6 years ago

@RobLoach – did you answer @thiagodemellobueno offline? What is twing? What problem are we solving?

RobLoach commented 6 years ago

While Twig.js is great, there are some inconsistencies in the output. We have differences between how Drupal outputs a component vs how Kalastatic outputs a component. Using Twing would output the exact same result in either KSTAT or Drupal.

I closed this for now because Twing.js is still pretty young. Perhaps I'll consider it again down the line, but for now, Twig.js is good.