kalamuna / kstat-kss-builder

Twig KSS Template
MIT License
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Research Other KSS Styleguide #26

Open RobLoach opened 6 years ago

RobLoach commented 6 years ago


thiagodemellobueno commented 6 years ago

Robloach can you speak as to what rubric you are using in this suggestion? What are the strengths this project has over ours? What feature etc?

thiagodemellobueno commented 6 years ago

@RobLoach I tried to demo http://developers.20minutes.fr/colette/

And looked like the mobile nav doesnt work etc etc, i still think our builder is more feature rich at this point with support for colors, and its a bit more attractive.

thiagodemellobueno commented 6 years ago

Porting over the svg stuff seems nice :D

RobLoach commented 6 years ago

There's likely some other styleguides and such we could pull from.

ryuran commented 6 years ago

I will add Colors support natively in KSS-node as soon as possible (and svg symbols but i'm not satified of the current implementation).

NB: colette-kss-builder is dedicated to colette style guide and not tested for other kss instances.

thiagodemellobueno commented 6 years ago

We implemented the color functionality in parallel you and I ryuran.

I do like the svg symbol documentation, but agree that it maybe a bit opinioated for a broad tool, that said, everyone loves "convention" these days :D

I like the idea of it being built in to kss-node, specially if one would no longer need to enter hex values twice. Maybe KSS could read from a sass map called $colors then it would be easy to parse things out.

ryuran commented 6 years ago

To me, KSS should not depend to the language uses. If KSS is able to parse sass, it should be able to parse stylus, less or others.

KSS is curently based only on comment. It make it universal and futur proof and I think it's a good phylosophy.