kalamuna / terminatur

What terminus began, terminatur finished: Drush CODESCIENCE for Pantheon Integration
MIT License
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Make parsing of aliases more efficient #25

Closed reynoldsalec closed 10 years ago

reynoldsalec commented 10 years ago

Couple possibilities:

1) Request that Pantheon add the extra metadata we need in the alias file 2) Generate additional metadata when an actual operation is being performed on a site (right now we grab all of it when you authenticate)

Relevant functions are in https://github.com/kalamuna/terminatur/blob/master/terminatur.bootstrap.inc

pirog commented 10 years ago

@reynoldsalec did this the best i could for what it is. Ideally in V2 we just won't do it this way. Right now like 95% of the time running drush ta is just downloading your pantheon alias file.