kalbhor / MusicRepair

Fixes music metadata and adds album art.
MIT License
596 stars 43 forks source link

! #23

Closed Droyk closed 7 years ago

kalbhor commented 7 years ago

Type this on your cmd and tell me what message you get pip install musicrepair

kalbhor commented 7 years ago

That means that musicrepair has been installed. Just type musicrepair -h in your cmd to read the help menu and then use musicrepair as you desire.

kalbhor commented 7 years ago

@Droyk To answer your first question, I believe you should continue and successfully complete whatever tutorial/course you're taking in html5 and css and not dabble in something you're not clear with as it'll only confuse you more. Second, I have uploaded musicrepair on PyPI which is a package manager. Meaning all you need to do is type pip install (module name) to install such packages. I don't believe that currently there's a requirement for a GUI version.

kalbhor commented 7 years ago

You have already installed it using pip. I suggest that you google search these questions, and get familiar with coding in general before diving into this stuff